Advanced PHP Programming & MySQL |
Introduction of Web & PHP - PHP Operators - Control Structures: Loops - Control Structures: Logical Expressions - Arrays in PHP - PHP Functions - OOP in PHP -
Working with Files and Directories - Working with Forms and Form Data - Connecting MySQL - Working with Cookies and Sessions - Sending Emails -
Sending SMS - API Integration - Pyament Gateway Integration - Working with Databases - CRUD Application - Inventory Management Application. |
E-Commerce Development by PHP Laravel |
Defining E-commerce - E-commerce Marketing Strategy - Social Legal and Ethical Issues of e-Commerce - Business Model - Environment Setup - Laravel Directory Structure -
Advanced HTML - Advanced CSS - VueJS - Material-UI - Bootstrap - JavaScript - Advanced PHP - Creating an Online Catalog - Inventory Control and Order Processing -
Payment Gateway - Sending Emails - Sending SMS - Site Management and Performance Testing - E-Commerce Security - MySQL. |
Advanced Python Programming |
Introduction of Python Programming - Python Features - Data Types - Arrays - Strings - Lists - Dictionary - Variables - Typecasting - Operators - Files I/O -
Condition Statement - Exception Handling - Loops in Python - Functions - Lambda Function - OOP in Python - Modules in Python - Networking - Security with Python -
Sending Emails, MultiThreading - Python JSON, Working with Database. |